New Feature - Discover Friends of Friends / by Team TRIBAM

We said a few times that your suggestions (you - the TRIBAM Community) were key to us. That was not just marketing spin. We meant it.

The proof is this New Feature just added to the latest update of the TRIBAM App (v1.4).

This New Feature is the result of feedback and exchange with one of our early and very engaged members: Alex C. from London (thank you Alex C. from London ! 🙏).

You can now see the list of Connections of one of your existing Connections - basically your “friends of friends” 👥👥👥.

And easily connect to them in a tap.

Check out the video below for a demo of the feature 🎬 :

  • One of our members (Jamila Waters) checks the profile of one of her friends: Ana Burrava.

  • On Ana's profile, she sees that Ana has 6 Connections

  • Tapping the "connections" button on Ana's profile, she is taken to Ana's own list of Connections

  • Each member in Ana's Connection list has a button / label:

    • "Connected" when you (Jamila) are already connected to that member

    • "Connect" when you are not yet connected. Just tap that button to send an invitation

    • "Pending" when you have already sent an invitation to that member and that member is due to accept

    • "Accept" when you have already received an invitation from that member and you have not yet accepted. You can do so right there.

Et voila ! 🤯 🤩

TRIBAM is so much more fun when connected with people we know, people we trust !

And just make sure that your App is updated to v1.4 to enjoy the new feature.

As always - looking forward to your feedback, suggestions. We are listening to you (as you can see today !😉)...

Enjoy !