TIP # 2 - Reposting a Recommendation / by Team TRIBAM

Reposting a Recommendation is like Posting a Recommendation:

  • The only difference is that when you Repost, you start from a Recommendation posted by someone else

  • You recognise a place, a song, a movie and want to Post it to your own Tribe, your own Connections...

  • No need to go through a New Post process (through the New Post page - tab with the ➕ at the bottom of the screen)

  • Just hit the Repost button ! 🔁

"Repost button" you all ask in unison ?? Yes, that is the button with the 2 circular arrows at the top right of a Recommendation Card. 🔁🔁🔁🔁🔁🔁

Et voila ! 🤯 🤩


We really want sharing great experiences with your own Tribe to be a breeze ! Hence the ability to Repost...

As a reminder, from our Tip#1:

  • Reposting (🔁) is public (what you repost will be shared with your Connections)

  • Liking (❤️) is private (only for you to save Recommendations you like, for your own benefit).

Check out the video above for a demo... 🎬

Hope it helps. Any thoughts, suggestions, please let us know here or in our "TRIBAM Community" Facebook Group. 🙏