TRIBAM is Now Live for Android / by Team TRIBAM

Dearest Tribe -

Today is a big day for TRIBAM…

  • Since the launch of TRIBAM a couple of years ago, TRIBAM has established itself as a destination for link-minded people, looking to share, discover and save amazing gems: from delicious small fish restaurants on lesser known Greek islands, to beautifully designed boutique hotels in Croatia, to documentaries which impacted our lives, to books impossible to let down and music which brings a big smile to our faces…

  • All amazing to see growing… But…

  • But TRIBAM is only available for half of us. Only those of us with an iPhone or iPad…

  • And months after months, you, our Dearest Members, kept on asking for the Android version. For yourself or for your friends with whom you could not share your gems with and discover theirs on TRIBAM - just because they are on Android.

  • (At stage - we are pretty sure you know where we are going !)

  • We are therefore incredibly happy to report that, after days, weeks and months of hard work, of polishing the native Android version to make sure it is as sleek and delightful as the iOS one, TRIBAM is now live for Android on the Google Play store !

Now we need your help 🙏

  • Please let all your friends know !

  • Whether they are on iPhone or Android, the below link will take them to the right App Store:

  • TRIBAM is growing by word of mouth and we need your help now to continue

  • What can you do ?

    • Just copy this link into Whatsapp / Messages / Messenger / Insta / Snap / Tick Tock / an email and share it with your friends


We are so excited to welcome our new Android members to TRIBAM !

Stay safe and enjoy…

With love,