New Feature - Your TRIBAM Recommendations featured on Instagram / by Team TRIBAM

Hello Tribe 🚀

We have been amazed by the quality of the Recommendations shared on TRIBAM so far. In particular because they are personal and without hidden agenda. Just sharing your best places and experiences with your tribe. ❤️

We thought it would be useful to share some of the more unique recommendations more broadly. On Instagram. We will start doing so from TRIBAM’s Instagram account (@tribam_hq).

To give credit where credit is due, if you provide us with your Instagram name, your “handle” (you know, the “@blablabla”), we will tag you when posting one of your recommendations on Insta.

Image - Instagram Handle (2500).jpg

Very easy to do:

  • Just go to your Settings page in the App (⚙️ - top left of the Home page)

  • And edit your Instagram Name.

Et voilà !

Of course - if you have not yet downloaded the App, do so on the App Store:…/tribam-recommendations/id1495827464

Enjoy... 🤩