Part 1

Ready Player One by Arch Ventures Ltd.


Author: Ernest Cline

Supposedly a science fiction book, Ready Player One is actually not about tomorrow, but about today. Ernest Cline has a very sharp analysis of some of the biases of our modern technology driven life, with social media at its core. Also, Cline juggles with time, delighting us with references to the 80s embedded in this futuristic and realistic tale.


Barbarian Days by Arch Ventures Ltd.


Author: William Finnegan

This autobiography is a pleasure to read, even for those of us not into surfing. Following William on his life journey around the world, chasing waves and finding himself, is as engaging as any fiction we come across these days. In addition to being a precise description of the American culture in the 60s and 70s, Barbarian Days is also a fantastic introduction to the surfing way of life. Simply, honestly.


Fyre by Arch Ventures Ltd.


Director: Chris Smith

“The greatest party that never happened”.
The real life story of the Fyre Festival: what was meant to be the most incredible, exclusive, beautiful party in the world ended up being nothing more than an ugly fraud. Story which resonated even more for us given the central part conflicted influencers played in helping orchestrate the scam. Of the dangers of conflict of interest in social medias… A documentary more thrilling than some of the best fictions. Available on Netflix (with a sister documentary on same topic on Hulu).
