New York City

Whiplash by Team TRIBAM


Director: Damien Chazelle (2014)

Whiplash is one of those movies which splits your life in two. There is your life before and after seeing it. Whiplash is one of the most powerful, intense movies we have seen in a long time. The face-off between the young promising jazz student (played by Miles Teller) and a terrifyingly demanding instructor (J.K. Simmons) is a journey into the dedication to become the best of the best. The images, the colours, the sound (of course…. the sound) are powerful, violent and beautiful.


Estela by Team TRIBAM

New York City, US

How to best describe Estela ? Difficult to put in a box. This small place on the first floor above Houston Street can get quickly packed and noisy. But the food, expected to be your usual brasserie dishes has a welcome quirky-ness, inspired by the Mediterranean cooking training of the head chef. Best places to seat: at the bar. Even more so given that the bar stays open late. A fun night ahead…
