Part 1

Interview - Instagram Live Q&A with Le Wagon by Team TRIBAM

Thanks to Le Wagon, the world #1 coding bootcamp, for having invited Walter, our founder, to their first Instagram Live Q&A session.

Walter had the opportunity to exchange with Celine from Le Wagon about his experience completing the 6 months coding bootcamp but also about the genesis of TRIBAM:

  • From the original idea to the launch

  • The values and principles which drive TRIBAM

  • And why TRIBAM tries hard to be the answer to some of the increasing issues of historical social networks

Walter also answered a series of great questions directly from the audience.

That was fun ! 😄

Hope you you will enjoy watching it (even though the video quality of the replay from Instagram is not always perfect. Thanks Instagram 🤔)


Any more question - just reach out:

Enjoy and stay safe !


Introducing TRIBAM v2.0 with "Discovery" 🤩 by Team TRIBAM

Hello Tribe -

(🇫🇷 version française 👇)

We are very excited to release v2.0 of TRIBAM today !

Thanks to all the great feedback we have had from the community*, we are adding a new page in the TRIBAM app: we call it "Discovery" and you will find it behind the Eye.

Discovery is a fun new way to get inspired... Ready to play the "Discovery roulette" ? 🤩

*Particular thanks to our members Eric V., Spencer T., Brice A., Christina B., Nicola H. for their direct input into the design of Discovery 🙏.

PS: looking for the Search page ? We just moved it to the home Feed, on the top right of the screen.


As always - looking forward to your feedback, suggestions. And any question, any, just let us know !

Of course - if you have not yet downloaded the App - you can do so at the link to the right.

Stay safe and enjoy ! 🤩



Hello Tribu -

Nous sommes très (très !) heureux de vous présenter la version v2.0 de TRIBAM aujourd’hui.

Grâce à la contribution directe de notre communauté*, nous avons rajouté une nouvelle page dans TRIBAM: nous l’avons appelée “Discovery” et vous pourrez la trouver derrière l’Oeil.

Discovery est une façon ludique de trouver de l’inspiration... Prêts à jouer à la roulette Discovery ? 🤩

*Nous tenons à remercier particulièrement nos membres Eric V., Spencer T., Brice A., Christina B., Nicola H. pour leur contribution directe au design de Discovery 🙏.

PS: vous noterez que nous avons déplacé la page recherche (Search) sur l’écran principal, en haut à droite.

Comme toujours - merci de votre feedback, vos suggestions et toutes vos questions ! 
Pour nous contacter:

Et bien sûr, si vous n'avez pas encore downloadé l'App, vous pouvez le faire dans l'Apple Store au lien ci-dessus ☝️☝️☝️.

Prenez soin de vous et á bientôt ! 🤩


12 Books Which Will Make You Thankful for the Lockdown by Team TRIBAM

We certainly hope you all continue to stay safe at home, taking the time do things you would not be able to do usually. Like digging into that great book…

Similar to the recommendations for Movies, TV Series, Music, Restaurants or Hotels, our members have posted quite a diverse selection of Books on TRIBAM. Here are 12 of them.

To get the summary for each, to see who recommended them, their rating and comment:

  • Tap on any of the Books below from your iPhone

  • It will open straight into the TRIBAM app (if you have it installed on your iPhone) 🤯

[🇫🇷 Hello Tribu -
Nous espérons que le confinement se passe aussi bien que possible pour vous. Certainement le moment de faire les choses qu’on n’a pas le temps de faire d’habitude. Comme se plonger dans un super livre…

Tout comme pour la Musique, les Films, Séries, Restaurants ou Hôtels, nos membres ont un goût pointu et divers pour ce qui est des Livres. En voici une selection de 12.

En ouvrant le lien ci-dessous sur votre iPhone / iPad - sélectionner l'un des Livres vous amène directement à sa fiche dans l'App TRIBAM 🚀.]

Bad Blood

John Carreyrou

Born A Crime

Trevor Noah



Russell Miller

The Art of Photography

Bruce Barnbaum


Mon Yoga, Mon Equilibre

Karine Kleb

Happiness - A Philosopher’s Guide

Frederic Lenoir


A Short History of Europe

Simon Jenkins

The Book of Why

Judea Pearl


The Beta Mum

Isabella Davidson

Barbarian Days - A Surfing Life

William Finnegan


Maybe You Should Talk to Someone

Lori Gottlieb

The Power Of Now

Eckhart Tolle

Do not hesitate to recommend your own books, biographies, fictions… We are all looking for new inspiration !

Enjoy and stay safe !


You can help - Love your locals by Team TRIBAM

Hello Tribe -

(🇫🇷 version française un peu plus bas)

Those new and uncertain times may be unpleasant for some of us, they are really tough on others.

First, those around us whose health is impacted by the Covid-19. To those, all our energy we want to send.🙏

But also very tough for all the independent businesses, local restaurants, cafes, bars, shops which make our neighbourhoods but are actually in danger.

We have all heard about the forced or voluntary closures from London to Paris, New York and everywhere in the world....

Why do we need to help them ?

Simply because they are the lives of our neighbourhoods, they are the places where we built our memories over the years, where our kids have built their own memories, they are the gift of their owners and staff to us all. 🤩 Day after day, year after year, without even us realising. But they are in grave danger. They are.

What can we do ?

We know that each of us will find our own ways to help and contribute. Be it continuing to order take-aways and deliveries where possible. Be it buying coupons for future meals... 🤝

Help your locals on TRIBAM

We, the TRIBAM Community, can help as well. Simply and efficiently.

Let's just each recommend some of our local restaurants, cafes, bars in the App. Those you may see from your window now, those around the corner, the places you have enjoyed again and again... Share who they are on TRIBAM so that your friends and family (and the broader TRIBAM community) will know of them and when the time comes, soon, will be able to enjoy visiting them.

We all have a bit more time these days, so go to TRIBAM now and share your locals. ✊

Help your locals.

#loveyourlocals ❤️

Image - Square - Love your locals - trb.jpg

As always - looking forward to your feedback, suggestions. And any question, any, just let us know !

Of course - if you have not yet downloaded the App - you can do so here.

Stay safe and enjoy ! 🤩



Hello Tribu -

Ces temps ne sont pas agréables pour nous tous, et encore plus difficiles pour certains.

D'abord, ceux d'entre nous ou de nos proches dont la santé a été impactée par le coronavirus (Covid-19) . Vers eux nous envoyons toute notre énergie la plus positive...

Mais aussi très difficile pour tous les commerces indépendants, les restaurants du coin, les cafés, les bars qui sont essentiels à nos quartiers mais qui sont vraiment en danger.

Nous sommes désormais tous familiers avec les fermetures volontaires ou forcées, à Londres, Paris, New York et de part le monde....

Pourquoi devons-nous les aider ?

Simplement parce qu'ils font la vie de nos quartiers, ce sont les endroits dans lesquels nous avons construit nos souvenirs au fil des années, dans lesquels nos enfants ont construit les leurs, parce que leurs propriétaires et employés nous ont donné tellement. Jour après jour, année après année, sans que nous nous en rendions compte. 🤩

Que pouvons-nous faire ?

Nous savons que chacun d'entre nous trouva une façon d'aider et de contribuer. Que ce soit en continuant à commander à emporter ou à se faire livrer, quand possible. Que ce soit en achetant des coupons pour des repas futurs... 🤝

Aidez vos endroits à vous, sur TRIBAM

Nous, la communauté TRIBAM, pouvons aider. Simplement.

Il vous suffit de recommander dans l'App ces restaurants, cafés, bars qui font votre quartier. Ceux que vous voyez de votre fenêtre, qui sont au coin de la rue, dans lesquels vous avez tellement eu de plaisir à retourner, encore et encore...

Partagez qui ils sont sur TRIBAM pour que vos amis et vos proches (mais aussi la plus grande communauté) les découvrent et, le moment venu, puisse aussi avoir le plaisir de leur rendre visite.

On a tous un peu plus de temps ces jours-ci, alors allez sur TRIBAM maintenant et partagez vos restaurants et cafés de quartier ✊

#loveyourlocals ❤️


Comme toujours - merci de votre feedback, vos suggestions et toutes vos questions ! 
Pour nous contacter:

Et bien sûr, si vous n'avez pas encore downloadé l'App, vous pouvez le faire ici dans l'Apple Store.

Stay safe and enjoy ! 🤩


Listen to "The Sound of TRIBAM" on Spotify and Apple Music 🎧 by Team TRIBAM

Hello Tribe -

(🇫🇷 version française un peu plus bas)

Another great surprise from the TRIBAM community: the songs recommended are just amazing ! As diverse and edgy as the community. 🎧

So good that, for the last couple of weeks, we at TRIBAM have set up playlists to listen to them while working. And working-out. And showering. And walking. And driving. And running. And enjoying our friends...🎵🎶

And then realised. Let’s not be selfish !

So here they are. We called them “The Sound of TRIBAM” and they are available on:


We will update them regularly as you recommend new music.

(If you are using other streaming services, just let us know and we will do our best to set them up.)

Time to sing. And dance. And just enjoy ! 🤩

As always - looking forward to your feedback, suggestions. And any question, any, just let us know !

Of course - if you have not yet downloaded the App - you can do so here.

Enjoy !



Hello Tribu 

Une autre belle surprise de la communauté sur TRIBAM: la musiquerecommandée est incroyable ! Aussi diverse et pointue que notre communauté. 🎧

Tellement incroyable que, depuis 2 semaines chez TRIBAM, nous avons créé des playlists pour pouvoir les écouter en travaillant. En allant à la gym. Faisant notre jogging. Sous la douche. En marchant. Conduisant. Et quand on se retrouve avec nos amis... 🎵🎶

Et ce matin nous nous sommes dit: ne soyons pas égoïstes !

Alors les voilà. Nous les avons appelées "The Sound of TRIBAM", et elles sont disponibles sur Spotify et Apple Music (aux liens ci-dessus dans la version anglaise).

Nous continueront à les mettre à jour avec la nouvelle musique que vous recommandez.

(Dites-nous si vous utilisez d'autres services de streaming, et nous ferons de notre mieux pour les y rendre disponibles).

Grand temps de chanter. De danser. Enjoy ! 🤩

Comme toujours - merci de votre feedback, vos suggestions et toutes vos questions ! 
Pour nous contacter:

Et bien sûr, si vous n'avez pas encore downloadé l'App, vous pouvez le faire ici.

Enjoy ! 🤩


Have questions about TRIBAM ? Suggestions ? by Team TRIBAM

Hello Tribe -

Two things have surprised us since the launch of the TRIBAM App a little more than 1 week ago:

  • The speed at which our community is growing every day, with new members joining from all over the world (UK, France, Italy, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Israel, Dubai, Australia, Hong Kong, Singapore, the US,...)

  • And even more - the amazing engagement with our members: asking questions, proposing new ideas, spotting bugs...

To facilitate this 2-way engagement that we love around the App, we have set up a Group for our community, on Facebook. With a uber-creative name: "TRIBAM Community" (🤯😉).:

  • Ask questions

  • Get tips and tricks

  • Share suggestions

  • Get updates on new features

We actually just posted the first 2 Tips about the App, in the group. Make your way there to learn about those tricks we have embedded in the App for your delight !

See you on TRIBAM !


Already more than 300 recommendations by Team TRIBAM

Hello Tribe -

Barely 4 days after going live we already have more than 300 amazing recommendations from our growing Community.

A few examples:

  • Oklava - a restaurant in Shoreditch (London) which re-invents Turkish cooking in a great setting

  • Fish Pot - a small restaurant literally on the beach in Barbados, serving the fish caught in the morning

  • False Flag - a fast paced and intense spy Series which is said to be even better than Fauda

  • Indigo Night - a deep, moody song by Tamino, combining Middle-Eastern influences with western beats

And this is only the beginning ! 🚀

Thanks a lot to all those who have already contributed. And a dear welcome to all those about to join us on TRIBAM ! 🤩😀

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See you on TRIBAM !