Press - ICI Londres - "TRIBAM the new social network launched by a Frenchman in London" / by Team TRIBAM

🇫🇷 Chère Tribu -

Nous sommes très heureux de partager avec vous l’article publié par ICI Londres (le magazine de la communauté française à Londres) à propos de TRIBAM.

Enjoy and stay safe !


🇬🇧 Dear Tribe -

We are very happy to share with you this article about TRIBAM written in ICI Londres (the magazine for the French community in London since 1998).

“Unfortunately”, the article is in French, but here is a quick summary for those not fluent in the tongue of Molière:

  • Having spent some time with Walter (our founder), Nadège Alezine (the magazine’s editor-in-chief) retraces some of the key drivers which lead to the development and launch of TRIBAM

  • In particular, ICI Londres highlights the main differences between TRIBAM and some of the historical social networks: the key one being to put the Users and Members at the center of the experience (not the Advertisers - since there are no advertisers on TRIBAM 😉)

  • ICI Londres also describes the focus of TRIBAM to deliver a positive and delightful experience to Members - allowing them to share the things they love with the people they love

We are very grateful to ICI Londres for this article in particular because it captures very well our north star (trust), our values and what we aim to deliver for you our community

Enjoy and stay safe !