TIP # 4 - Searching for a Recommendation / by Team TRIBAM

After the pleasure of sharing recommendations with our friends, discovering new experiences is another delight on TRIBAM.

We designed the experience on TRIBAM to make sure that finding a recommendation when you need one is both incredibly simple and powerful. Simple by default for all of us, and powerful as well for those who need that. Up to you !

Let's follow our friend Jamila in the video demo below 👇 to follow the pleasure of discovering recommendations on TRIBAM:


Let’s follow Jamila in the video above 🎬☝️:

  • Jamila is looking for inspiration: she needs a restaurant for the upcoming date night with her husband next week-end

  • First, Jamila goes to the Search page - the tab at the bottom of the screen with the magnifier (🔍)

  • She selects the category Restaurants

  • And very simply - just types "London"

  • Right there, she sees the list of restaurants in London recommended by the TRIBAM community. Quite a few amazing choices...

  • How to choose when everything looks so great ? She decides to focus only on the Recommendations from her own Village (her connections): she opens the Filter menu and selects "Village" in the Tribe filter

  • Good - now she only sees the Restaurant recommended by one of her actual connections

  • She actually craves for a nice Greek restaurant. To refine her search further she just types "greek" in the search field

  • And just like that, she now sees all the Greek restaurants in London recommended by her Village

  • Great ! The choices are down to 2...

  • To make her final decision, she decides to rely on the judgement of her friends. She trusts them. So she adds a filter to only keep the restaurants with an average rating of 2 Rockets or more

  • "Opso" it is ! Very nice modern Greek restaurant in Marylebone...

  • Before finalising her decision, she decides to check the restaurant just around where she lives

  • She taps on "Search Near Me" to open the map with her location

  • Very easy to see the recommendations on the maps. She selects one - "Gold". And right from the map, she can easily open the Recommendation Card for that restaurant to see the details

  • Too easy ! What a delight...

Et voilà ! 🤩

Of course - if you have not yet downloaded the App, do so on the App Store:


Enjoy... 🤩