10 Books For Your Brains 🧠 / by Team TRIBAM


From the history of humanity to the history of time, from emotional intelligence to the benefits of habits, from tarot reading to engaging in moonshots…

10 Books recommended by our Community on TRIBAM to learn, discover, be surprised, agree and disagree… Like fuel and fitness in one go for your brains… 📚🧠

And many more in the App.

(Tap on any of the books below from your iPhone / iPad - to open the recommendation directly in the App - like by magic !)


De l'histoire de l'humanité à l'histoire du temps, de l'intelligence émotionnelle aux bienfaits des habitudes, de la lecture du tarot l’impact des moonshots sur le progrès…

10 Livres recommandés par notre communauté sur TRIBAM pour apprendre, découvrir, être surpris et débattre … Comme du carburant et du fitness en un package pour votre cerveau… 📚🧠

Et bien d’autres dans l’Appli…

(Tapper sur l’un des livres ci-dessous depuis votre iPhone / iPad ouvre la recommandation directement dans l’application TRIBAM - magique !)

Enjoy and stay safe…


10 Books For Your Brains


21 Lessons for the 21st Century

Yuval Noah Harari

The Culture Code

Daniel Coyle


A Brief History of Time

Stephen Hawking

Emotional Intelligence

Daniel Goleman


The Gendered Brain

Gina Rippon

Why Does Patriarchy Persist ?

Naomi Snider


Ancestral Tarot

Nancy Hendrickson

7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Stephen Covey


The World According to Monsanto

Marie-Monique Robin


Naveen Jain


Do not hesitate to recommend your own favourite books … We are all looking for new inspiration !

Enjoy and stay safe !